body of water surrounded by orange trees

2024 Updates

Indonesia and Singapore Visits
8-15 December 2024

On 8-15 December 2024, the PI of the SGAIN project, Dr Yixian Sun, travelled to Indonesia and Singapore to meet various stakeholders and prepare SGAIN’s work in Southeast Asia.

During this trip, Yixian visited Indonesia’s Ministry of National Development and Planning (BAPPENAS) and had a meeting with Dr Sumedi Andono Mulyo, Director of Planning and Development of National Priority Infrastructure Projects, to prepare collaboration on benchmarking of sustainable infrastructure standards and nature-based infrastructure in Indonesia. He then participated in an international workshop on the post-2030 Sustainable Development Agenda at Monash University Indonesia. Yixian also visited our Indonesian team at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Yogyarkata to plan SGAINs’ research in the country. During his time in Yogyakarta, Yixian gave a seminar to students and staff of UGM’s Department of International Relations on the Green Belt and Road Initiative and Indonesia’s energy transition. To end his trip, Yixian had a workshop in Singapore with colleagues at the Institute of Environment and Sustainability of the National University of Singapore to discuss various collaborative projects especially on EV and renewable energy policies in Southeast Asia.

It was a very fruitful trip to catch up with our project partners in the region and meet new friends. All these discussions will lay a strong foundation for our impactful work to be carried out in 2025 and beyond. We look forward to sharing more updates in coming months!

ClimBio Frontiers Database Workshop
Utrecht, 4-5 December 2024

In early December, the ClimBio Frontiers research groups hosted a Database Workshop in Utrecht, bringing together researchers and practioners among other actors to discuss, reflect, and cooperate for future climate-based governance databases. The workshop included introductions, discussions of the role of Transnational Governance Initiatives (TGIs) and data work associated with transnational climate governance and biodiversity, and meaningful dialogues to identify gaps in existing datasets and suggest new ways to integrate climate, biodiversityt, and social justice dimensions.

Team members Yitong Ye and Julian Li attended this workshop. Read more about the experience: here

Over the last two weeks, the UN Climate Change Conference COP29 has taken place in Baku, bringing together world leaders, businesses, civil societies and academics to advance solutions for tackling climate change.

We are pleased to share that several members of the SGAIN project are attending the conference, including principal investigator
Yixian Sun.
As the Co-Chair of the UN-supported campaign Race to Zero's Working Group on Fair Share, Equity, and Justice, Dr Sun organised a meeting with key stakeholders and experts to discuss best practices and challenges to embed fair share, equity, and justice into net zero transitions of non-state actors. Further, he facilitated a meeting with Chinese stakeholders and the High-Level Champions team, and moderated a side-event on the role of youth action in the Sustainable Development Goals.

Other members of our project at COP29 are
Dr. Khalid Waleed, a negotiator for Pakistan on mitigation issues and Ubaid ur Rehman Zia, representing Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI). Our distinguished advisory board members Thomas Hale, Erik Solheim and Kate Logan are also attending.

SGAIN at UN Climate Change Conference
Baku, 11-22 November 2024
Global China Workshop with REDEFINE & SGAIN
Bath, 5-6 November 2024

Over the last three decades, China has become one of the most influential players in international development through large-scale overseas infrastructure investments not only in the Global South but also Global North. How can we understand China's growing influence across the globe? What are new ways to study China’s overseas engagement in different contexts? And how can researchers inform better policies to align Chinese investments with host countries’ development needs? To explore these important questions, the SGAIN project will organise this workshop with the REDEFINE project. The two teams will meet together to share insights from their research, directions for methodological innovations and also opportunities and challenges to pursue policy impact.

Read more about this workshop: here

International Team Meeting - 16 October 2024

On the 16th October 2024, SGAIN had its first full international team meeting online, with partners joining from the United Kingdom, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and China.

After a round of introductions, we had a brief presentation of our planned research, discussed some key activities in the first year, and exchanged ideas and suggestions for the future of SGAIN.

Co-Host Plenary Session - Reimagining Transitions, Earth System Governance Forum 2024

As part of ESG's 2024 Forum on 'Re-imagining Earth System Governance in an Era of Polycrisis', this roundtable provided a forum for the exchange of ideas around the importance of re-imagining transitions. Focusing on the challenges and opportunities of the transition to sustainable futures, forms of knowledge that can inform and shape transitions thinking, and barriers to rethinking transitions, this session aimed to create a space where more marginalised ideas and concerns are discussed, inviting participants from different disciplinary and socio-cultural contexts.

Dr Yixian Sun spoke at this event, alongside other academics including Dr Sophia Hatzisavvidou from the University of Bath.

You can watch here the recording of the event!

Affiliation with the Earth System Governance Project

SGAIN is pleased to announce our affiliation with the Earth System Governance Project (ESG), the world's largest research network on sustainability governance. Stay tuned for updates on our shared initiatives.

Find out more about our affiliation: here

Asia Energy Transition Summit, 28-29 September 2024

The first 'Asia Energy Transition Summit', organised by the Pakistan Renewable Energy Coalition in collaboration with member organisations (Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Policy Research Institute for Equitable Development, Lahore University of Management Sciences and Renewables First) will take place in Lahore.

The summit aimed to spotlight the urgent need for regional collaboration, to effectively address energy financing, transition away from fossil fuels, and boost energy efficiency for a sustainable future.

Alongside other academics, Dr Yixian Sun took part in a panel discussion on 'China's role in accelerating energy transition finance'.

Find out more about the event: here

IfTI Global Symposium, 4-5 September 2024

The IfTI Global Symposium, hosted at the University of St Gallen, Switzerland (4-5 September 2024) aimed to inform policymakers , financiers, exporters and researchers, deepening knowledge and strengthening cooperation between key stakeholders to help address pressing issues in the future of global trade.

Alongside other academics, Dr Yixian Sun spoke at the Symposium's Academic Session.

Find out more about the event: here

The international research conference GLOBALGOALS2024—The Future of the SDGs, held 29-30 August 2024 in Utrecht, the Netherlands, offered a global platform to share and discuss ideas for the future of Sustainable Development Goals and global sustainablity governance, ahead of the UN Summit of the Future in September.

Dr Yixian Sun, gave a keynote talk on Science-Policy Interaction for Sustainable Development. Team member Faisal Shariff attended the summer school organised by the conference and presented his first PhD paper on energy justice and the attainment of SDG 7 in Pakistan.

Find out more about the event: here
Read here reflections on the event by our team member Faisal Sharrif.

Future of Sustainable Development Goals Conference, 29-30 August 2024